27 SEPTEMBER - Ad ID: in0bxqanm
22 Years Pune / Wakad


About me

Cheers babe, I'm Anushree ji, a stunning 24-years-0ld independent call girl that guarantees a night
of sinful delights. I do
everything with a lot
of whimsy and
attention, my treatment is done according to your needs
I offer a differentiated session for demanding Customers,
I'm very a flirty
lover who Loves a good
fuck . I love giving and receiving pleasure and affection
and seeing you happy is my Ultimate goal.
I'm hare to give you the pleasure you're looking for, I'm going to make you lose your mind with me.i can give you a relaxing and won't stop until you're completely pleased.
Trust me, you won't regret choosing me for a fun and satisfying time,
I'm completely dedicated to my work,
I love to make love, I was Bron for this.
I love giving
my all to make sure you're satisfied and happy.
Teart me right and I'll make sure you have the time of your life.

Fetish French kiss
Attention to
Place Of Service
Hotel / Motel Clubs Outcall

Cash Credit Card

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